Psychedelic-Assisted Psychotherapy

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Supporters & Donors

Maple Counseling thanks our generous supporters for their vital contributions! We simply could not achieve our mission of providing comprehensive mental health services and training without each and every one of YOU.

We acknowledge the following community partners whose support was received between January 1, 2023 to December 31, 2023.*
*We update this list annually in January in recognition of all our contributors from the previous year.

Presidents Circle: $100,000+

The Ahmanson Foundation

Annenberg Foundation

AVIV Foundation

City of Beverly Hills

Beverly Hills Unified School District

The Judy and Bernard Briskin Foundation

The Jewish Federation of Greater Los Angeles

Rex Wilder

Patron: $50,000+


Diana and Bob Friedman

Audrey and Sydney Irmas Charitable Foundation

The Ralph M. Parsons Foundation

Picerne Family Foundation

City of West Hollywood

Benefactor: $25,000+

Robert and Jeanne Anderson

Barry and Martha Berkett

Charles R. Pollock Fund

The Green Foundation

Henry L. Guenther Foundation

The Stanley E. Hanson Foundation

The Rose Hills Foundation

Jason and Julie Wallace

Sponsor: $10,000-24,999

Monica and Keith Dragoon

Harriet Gold

Kaiser Permanente

Bruce and Martha Karsh

Lon V. Smith Foundation

Hon. Myra Lurie and David Goldman

Gail and John Millan

Rotary Club of Beverly Hills

Nancy Rubin

Hon. Joan Seidel

Glenn and Linda Solomon

Ann Marie and Jack Wilder

Supporter: $5,000-9,999

Maynard and Linda Brittan

Lisa Collins

Ken and Lori Goldman

Bonnie and Jan Goldstein

John and Kristin Jameson

King & Spalding, LLP

Joyce B. Levine

Looking Beyond

David and Janet Polak Foundation

Vicki Reynolds and Murray Pepper

Andrew and Suzanne Silverstein Chiaramonte

Nancy and David Grant

Friend: $2,500-4,999

Sandra and Charles Aronberg

Pamela Balton

Berlanti Family Foundation

Uri and Myna Herscher

Deborah and Ivan Kallick

Saul Levine

Lilly and David Lewis

Tracey and Stan Tatkin


Contributor: $1,000-2,499

Rabbi Jonathan and Michelle Aaron

Andrew Bosse

Hon. Lili and Jon Bosse

Geri Brawerman

Sue and Barry Brucker

Lexy and John Carroll

DeeDee DeMan

Alexandra Evans

Hon. Michael Feuer and Hon. Gail Ruderman Feuer

Trena and Stanley Greitzer Family Foundation

Marissa Hamilton

Laurie and Chris Harbert

Tamara M. Keller

Michael Lushing

Virginia and Frank Maas

Shannon Murphy

Mason A. Sommers, Ph.D. and Rami Aizic, JD, MFT

Sheila Sparks

Laurence S. Wiener

Simon Wilder

Louis Wolff

The Ahmanson Foundation
Annenberg Foundation
AVIV Foundation
Beverly Hills Unified School District
The Judy and Bernard Briskin Foundation
Cedars Sinai
City of Beverly Hills
City of West Hollywood
The Green Foundation
Henry L. Guenther Foundation
The Stanley E. Hanson Foundation
Audrey and Sydney Irmas Charitable Foundation
Jewish Federation of Greater Los Angeles
Kaiser Permanente
King & Spalding, LLP
Looking Beyond
The Ralph M. Parsons Foundation
The Picerne Family Foundation
David and Janet Polak Foundation
Charles R. Pollock Fund
The Rose Hills Foundation
Rotary Club of Beverly Hills
Santa Monica Malibu USD
Lon V. Smith Foundation

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Maple Counseling is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization.

Tax ID: 95-2753118